Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend- Driving, Hiking and Asshats

The only way to properly celebrate a day off work is to get the hell out of town... even if it's only for the day! So I packed up DP ( Mr Monk was unfortunately still at the office), liberal amounts of beef jerky, a couple of bags of trail mix and copious amounts of water and headed down south (as going east out of the question with the Bridge closed) towards big sky, big trails and big trees.
AKA: Big Sur

As you can see in the photo below, the fog was putting up a terrific fight and wasn't giving up it's grasp on land easily:
A couple of hours, 2 packets of jerky and two cans of soda later...we arrived at Big Sur. DP was raring to go!
The first hike to Valley View/Pfieffer Falls was nice, and I only nearly died 3 times. This whole "keep walking" thing, the whole "fresh air" thing and the endless sunshine was very taxing. We did see some nice things along the way, though.
Things like Trees:
Flowers:More trees:
and finally the "Valley View" came into view:
Then it was off to the natural beauty of Pfieffer Falls:
Uh, well, the falls were there, but they were also heavily polluted with humans who felt it was OK to BATHE in the falls, EAT by the falls, and ruin any photo opportunity for others. Asshats. DP was more than happy to join them:

We then headed over to some famous overlook (McLary or McCray Falls) which has a creek that waterfalls into the ocean:

Some asshat kayakers had pulled into the beach! A Park Ranger on the overlook told us that these asshats were breaking the law, as the beach is closed to the public, but there was nothing they could do, really. So the asshats remained, spoiling everyone's photos of the lovely water, beach and waterfall with their unsightly kayaks and selfish selves:I maneuvered around the trail to attempt to get a photo without asshats in it:

Look at the color of that water! Here is the other side of the cove. Please note, no asshats on this side:
Moving on, we found more trails and more crap to photograph:
Normally, I don't condone the presence of spiders. However, I was in their habitat, so I dealt with it:
We found some old fashioned water wheel thingy that was fascinating for about 20 seconds:

Then we headed back out into the woods:

Yes, here I am, being all nerdy and taking the obligatory "look at me" photo:

and so DP wanted to take one, too. Can you see him?
The afternoon was waning, and DP was getting all cranky, (due to low blood sugar levels). We stopped for a snack along the trail:
Of course, as soon as DP brought out the beef jerky and trail mix, the Blue Jays showed up, demanding handouts: A few more photos of flora and fauna:

At this point, DP was ready to pack it in and call it a day:

A last shot at a roadside shop on the way home:

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