Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Partying with the grammar school set

Just when I think...ahhh, no need to go to Target this week...Just when I think... I don't need to check the camera battery yet...Just when I think...a TWO day weekend is upon me...

Another kid birthday party sneaks up on me!
Yes, this time it was that rare and elusive animal known as a "nine year old boy":
These parties are SOOOOO much fun...let me tell you, there is nothing like watching a cousin dogpile:
or babies begging for handouts...
But there is also the chance to capture a Picasso in the making! This niece is 10 and also quite the artist!

Check out her finished product! Pretty cool:
and then it's back to the typical hilarity:

some Food Network worthy commentary:
Round about hour two...I broke out the animal model kits to settle them down for a bit:
after helping them tackle the task (note to self...do not purchase "simple" animal model kits again)...it was time for the birthday boy to attack the gift pile:
Some were more interested in other things...I WON'T SAY WHO:

Then the hardworking (remember, they have 4 kids!) parents presented the awesome baseball cupcake thingy:
and the appropriate response occurred:
all in all, a good time was had by all...that is...until they remembered school was just around the corner, and no more sleepovers would be happening for awhile:

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